
Marilyn Burns Brainy Day Books

Marilyn Burns is one of the most highly respected mathematics educators in the US.

In 1994, she launched Marilyn Burns Brainy Day Books. The mathematical content in these books is presented in a way that will delight children and stimulate their imaginations. Teacher notes at the back of each book discuss the mathematics and provide ideas on how to extend children’s learning.

Titles include:

The Greedy Triangle (Hardcover)
Introduces the names of polygons.
The story encourages children to wonder about what happens to shapes as they get more sides and angles.

The King’s Commissioners (Hardcover)
Introduces skip counting patterns and shows ways to represent these numbers using tally marks.
The story encourages children to think about the place value structure of our number system.

Cloak for the Dreamer (Hardcover)
Investigates tessellation. The story and illustrations challenge children to think about geometric shapes and how they fit together.

Spaghetti and Meatballs for All (Hardcover)
Presents ideas about area and perimeter. Illustrations help children recognise that shapes with the same area can have different perimeters.

Amanda Bean’s Amazing Dream (Hardcover)
Introduces children to multiplication – why it is useful and how it relates to the world around us.
The illustrations support thinking about multiplication, as repeated addition of the same number and as rectangular arrays.

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